Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Epic Fail

"See the stone set in your eyes see the thorn twist in your side"

So I totally haven't posted in like a month, well a tad less but who is counting. Let the lack of activity be a testament to my busy schedule.

All I do is work the guns, eat, sleep, run, homework, sleep, eat...oh well I will try to update this more often, I mean it is for my own good I suppose. So as an update I've been made my design team leader, pretty big accomplishment for myself and I trust in my own abilities not to let my team down.

Speaking of that project, we got the outline for the CDS and it is huge, like fucking huge...I mean they say six pages max, sans appendicies but the sheer volume of work required to produce even a bit of DECENT work is gonna be massive. Hopefully my group is confident. They are either gonna pull you down or pull you up, that is what I have been told.

On a related note I am totally behind in every class, and I don't even know how, given how much work I do...typical first year bullshit though. They just pile stuff on to weed out, oh well survived it before I can do it again, but I want to do well, you know how it is.

Oh, and I finally talked to a girl in engineering, actually two...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So nervous man, so nervous

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

They shot a movie once...in my home town

"...well I 'aint no movie star, but I can get behind anything"

So big news indeed for me. As of just the other day I got my first engineering "project" or assignment I guess one could call it, mmhmm very official. We are required for our APS111 class to propose and design a new bike lock/stand system to employ in the city of Toronto, what the hell do I know about bikes and or bike stands?

The stand has to meet a number of criteria including low footprint, ease of use, environmentally affordable, safe and etc etc. Anyways it's pretty crazy as I'm already trying to work on this project and the year hasn't even begun yet...typical David, over the last few days I can't help but notice every bike stand I see on my travels and stop to look at them and analyze, see how they work and whatnot...damn what has happened to me? Note: If you notice that image is of the Walhberg building, cheya

Anyways on the subject of bikes and stands, I have recently stolen the bike of my friend and have been riding it quite often. When you haven't biked in awhile it is actually quite a welcome change from walking, I mean you really can't appreciate the scene as much as when you have a steady walk, but the speed and wind in your hair is more than a fair tradeoff in my humble opinion.

So as any student knows, the begining of a semester marks a time of finacial stuggle. I speak now of our eternal battle with textbooks and their ever increasing prices. It would seem sometimes that even the smallest of books with soft covers have no upper limit to their cost, for shame says this author....for shame. So ya I have been searching for some deals on used texts, many this year will come from my friend Allen, a 1T1 engineer and long time friend. But I fear due to laziness the majority will be new, bullshit.