Here is to you Chatmonchy.
Since the last I wrote so much has happened, so so much. Perhaps the Cole's notes version would be best:
Chatmonchy, definitely one of my favorite bands of all time has lost its drummer and is effectively disbanded as far as I can see. Cliche as it sounds, you really never know what you have have until it is gone. I know play through the four studio albums and assorted singles in existence and think to myself, 'this is it'. There will never be a new song out of them. There will never be a new album. I never got the chance to see them live, I never will. From now till I don't know, all I will have are MP3s and Youtube videos of live performances.
I just returned from two weeks out in the suck. Working like a dog for little to nothing. Getting tanned like a farmer, and missing the life of luxury of which I am accustomed to. My view on the issue? Good, these little forays into the wild really make me appreciate the things I take for granted. They include the beautiful city skyline at night, the internet, food at my whim, exercise and it's associated relative-the gym.
Back to work tomorrow, making money and the daily grind. My plan? Ask the girl in the hospital out, yay or nay, I will do it. Courage. My word.