I have been getting caught with my pants down the last few weeks of school. I keep consistently fucking up every evaluation I take.
To start, I write a very well thought out and researched paper on the subway system. I go the extra mile and include appendices and what not, 8.5/10. I write Alex's paper in 30 seconds, 9/10. What kinda bullshit is that?
Are the TAs retard magnets?
I bomb the economics test, just bomb it. I couldn't answer half the questions. It's over, I can't win. Then comes municipal, which I was ready for. BAM, left out a few crucial steps. Bullshit. I am now a convicted felon.
I gotta break the habit on steel this week.
If not for me, then who? Oh, I actually watched an episode of NCIS today, it has been so long.
Stop Bitching