The last few days summed up as quick as I can, as it's 1:30 am, I'm fuck-tired, want to sleep, but also want to keep the world updated on the life and times of his Highness.
Libray is my home. I treat it as such. I respect it as such. I hate it as such.
Over the last few days, I've watched a bunch of Korean movies, which I shall probably not review, but I do recommend A Dirty Carnival ohh man, being a gangster would beat out engineer anyday.
Watched Tigerland today, ohh man..a young JACKED Colin Farell. Man, I do like that movie. Kinda like the guy I want to be, the rebel with the heart of gold.
Programming is hard. When I say hard, I mean fucking hard. I am struggling through these past exams. Not a good sign when you are 4 days out from dust off.
Going back to the gym for the first time in a week tomorrow. Shoulder is likely not healed, I will push through it, continue, and live the rest of my life in pain. I have decided this. Looking good and having strength is more important to me than health and comfort.
P.s. Uneventful day...
man how come u get time to watch korean movies???