“Earth angel, Earth angel…will you be mine? My darling dear…love you all the time”
The one I adore…
So, on Saturday I sat through like 4.5 excruciating hours of The Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford. You know what? Screw the nay-sayers. I really enjoyed that film, a time piece? Yes, but a good ne at that. The long drawn out shots of pure silence, they create such a feeling of tension…I really felt buried under the weight of the emotions. I find myself asking, does he know? Does he not know? Obviously you know Jessie (by virtue of the title, SPOILERS) is killed. The destination is not important in this film, the journey is. What an intense journey follows. Whatever mish-mash of words I could comprise to describe the atmosphere would pale in comparison, if you have several hours one day, I recommend you to watch it yourself.
Another point I would like to raise is the scenery/sets, as it is a western piece you can expect horse ridding. Well what can I say; the landscapes are vast and engulfing. True to the times, people really did live in the middle of nowhere and the landscape does not hide this. You get these wide open shots of the Great American country. You feel small and belittled. Jessie James a notorious outlaw known by the thousands seems small and insignificant when shown in the vast expanse of some of the shots. Perhaps this is a stab at humility or social commentary by the director? I don’t know, I am not a Doctor.
I have been getting back into the swing of running, did 3 km on Friday night, and boy oh boy has my cardio hit the ground. Even with all that cycling, I just guess it wasn’t enough, who would have thought less than two months could be so damaging to my lung capacity. Again, perhaps it was just a bad night, those do happen, but nonetheless, no one is giving it out. You have to take it.
You ever met someone and then lost contact? Just came to mind, I don’t know if I have ever written about this before and my way to lazy to go through and look, so whatever. You know, maybe there was a spark there or a connection and for one reason or another you just let it go…and you have no idea why. Oh why…who cares that there was several continents and a ocean or two separating you, and when you talk you weren’t even on the same calendar day. Should not have gone down this road, memories awash.
Oh well, you know I ain’t with this shit Lieutenant. Gotta break it off proper right? It has to be bumpin, I have to put the rap down, just like a clock, I tick and tock but I am never off.
Remember kids, don’t be someone’s punching bag, make them yours. Middle class gangsters right? Right.
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