For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home.
Monday, June 28, 2010
For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The streets man, I was there...watched it go poor city.
Broken shit everywhere, burning shit. Shit.
Spared no expense.
Broken shit everywhere, burning shit. Shit.
Spared no expense.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Na it wasn't that bad, I was about to shower when the very Earth below me quaked and shook with the fury of an old man trying to return soup at a deli.
Just a nice reminder that when the Earth wants, it takes. when it takes, it keeps. No engineering degree, no 300 lb bench press, no amount of money, no amount of swag with the women can stop it. It cannot be bought, dealt with, reasoned with or stopped.
You can be a Captain or a nobody, but when your luck runs out you die, that's just how it is.
Just a nice reminder that when the Earth wants, it takes. when it takes, it keeps. No engineering degree, no 300 lb bench press, no amount of money, no amount of swag with the women can stop it. It cannot be bought, dealt with, reasoned with or stopped.
You can be a Captain or a nobody, but when your luck runs out you die, that's just how it is.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hearts and thoughts they fade...fade away.
Uneventful day
It doesn't help that I haven't done anything, but whatever.
My arms really got inflamed from the waxing, I suppose I should exfoliated afterwards, but that would have been too easy.
Not looking forward to that walk to work, not even close to looking forward to it.
I really want to go downtown this weekend and just watch the world as I know it here in Toronto explode. I really don't think anything major will happen, I mean let's be honest, we are Canadians we have about as much guts as the French when it comes to a conflict. But nonetheless I just wanna see how it goes, plus a show of force is always awesome to watch.
The funny part is the people protesting who think they are making a difference, who think they are going to change something. What a bunch of wasted energy. To the people who honestly believed the homeless, the needy, the school system, infrastructure, the TTC, or any needy organization/system was going to receive any part of the 1.2B dollars spent on this. You are naive.
Now I'm no conservative, I'm no liberal, in fact, I've never voted in my life given that I feel a vote should be an informed one, and that the voter i.e. me in this case should have a legitimate stake in any outcome, hence why I have not voted in my life. To vote for the sake of voting, or because it's your "right" who ever came up with that bullshit is reckless and you damage the very democratic system that millions payed in blood before you to defend.
It's sad, our faith has come down to a money and a tv.
Raine's arms are my hero. Be all that you envy, especially those guns.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Where do bad folks go when they die

Uneventful last...6 days, man...why can't I update this thing like I used to? Why does the blog not speak to me like it once did?
All good questions. Getting myself into my new routine now that I work at night. Grinding away the days till school begins again. Generally a day goes something like this:
Get up, eat, gym, (every other day core workout), eat, shower, eat, work, run, bed.
Just have to grind it out. For once in my life I actually enjoy a job I have, so perhaps the word grind which I would usually associate with mundane pointless tasks is ill-suited to describe this situation.
So I waxed my arms today, got rid of my FORESTS that were ever present since I hit puberty. I will not ever miss it, that is, if I keep this up, it is a lot of work and to be honest at times less than desirable.
I promise to try harder to update this. I promise. Until then, a nightly run will get me by.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Juiced, Vitamin S
So I changed up the blog a bit, you know, whatever give a shot.
weekend in short:
me: Sir, I was thinking of rejoining infantry.
Capt. Nick Czernkovich: Go armour, you don't have to walk.
me: ...
weekend in short:
me: Sir, I was thinking of rejoining infantry.
Capt. Nick Czernkovich: Go armour, you don't have to walk.
me: ...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I'd like to go back to when we played as kids, but things change, that's just the way it is.

Honestly, this government business, not my cup of tea...always trying to screw the little guy it would certainly seem.
Anyways, I really need to start spell checking/editing for grammar/just re-reading over these posts prior to submission. Some of the mistakes I make are just...just horrible. Ah, who am I kidding, that will never happen.
Was listening to some Tupac today, Little preachy for my liking, all talking about getting the community together and standing up for yourself. I'm more for robbing, stealing, shooting, dealin, killin, feelin, smokin. But nonetheless, some good tracks. You know why? Tupac got up in the morning and he asked himself, was life worth living? Should he blast himself?
I find myself in a bit of a situation, I desire all the affordances I have in this great nation of ours, but I do not want to pay for them. As a citizen I understand that we pay taxes such that we are given certain gifts/services on which we rely. Policing, firefighting, emergency services, water, sewage, roads, etc. As much as those things form the foundation of my very existence and the western world as a whole, I'd just rather pocket as much of my income, nay ALL my income, tax free.
I mean, take this G20/G8 crap, wtf is a billion dollars being used on?
Real talks.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Certainty of death, small chance of success... What are we waiting for?
So, the last few weekends I have been watching the Lord of the Rings films, tonight I culminated the experience with the Return of the King. In my humble opinion it is far from the best, it certainly packs the action where it lacks in what is brought forth in the first one.
For certain, I cry everytime I watch this movie. No excuses, I shed a tear, there are many an epic scene/emotional scene which I just go to bits over. So, why not, my top 5 or so epic moments from Return of the King.
In no order.
1) When Gandalf rides out to help Faramir and his boys. Under the attack of Nazgul Gandalf rides out and does what he does best, use some crazy magic to make some light to know what? I don't know, it is jsut a really nice visual, combined with the music makes it very inspiring to me, the contrast in the scene as the light sky of the Free people's clashes with the darkened scorched sky of Sauron. Powerful stuff.

2) The charge of Rohan, need I say more? Fashionably late never rang so true. Show up, kill some Orcs, blow your horn, make an epic speech:
Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day... a red day... ere the sun rises! [rides past his men, hitting their spears with his sword as he goes]
Ride now!... Ride now!... Ride! Ride to ruin and the world's ending!

3) The Gandalf-Pippin talk. My only hope is that it is as great as Gandalf makes it out be. Doesn't sound so bad after all.
Pippin: I didn't think it would end this way.
Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it.
Pippin: What? Gandalf?... See what?
Gandalf: White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
Pippin: [smiling] Well, that isn't so bad.
Gandalf: [softly] No... No it isn't.

4) I would say the Aragorn speech to inspire his men, but when I look back. I honestly think the better part is when he looks back, "For Frodo" and charges in. heroic.

5) By far, the best part of the movie. The bow. The very King of Gondor, the leader of the free people's bows to Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. "My friends, you bow to no one". Truly, they are the greatest heroes ever. They gave everything they could, and for Frodo it took everything he had.
We set out to save the Shire, Sam and it has been saved - but not for me.

All you have to do is look at his face, his face says it all. Things will never be the same. the burden of the Ring was far too much and he payed dearly. I many ways I think the Ring is a symbol, more over it is a representation of the burden(s) we all carry with us. The crosses we all must bear.
Unfortunately for some they are just too heavy, the cuts to deep and the scars too painful. Ultimately Frodo 'escapes' the world of Middle Earth, and with it the pain.
If only it was that easy for the rest of us...
For certain, I cry everytime I watch this movie. No excuses, I shed a tear, there are many an epic scene/emotional scene which I just go to bits over. So, why not, my top 5 or so epic moments from Return of the King.
In no order.
1) When Gandalf rides out to help Faramir and his boys. Under the attack of Nazgul Gandalf rides out and does what he does best, use some crazy magic to make some light to know what? I don't know, it is jsut a really nice visual, combined with the music makes it very inspiring to me, the contrast in the scene as the light sky of the Free people's clashes with the darkened scorched sky of Sauron. Powerful stuff.

2) The charge of Rohan, need I say more? Fashionably late never rang so true. Show up, kill some Orcs, blow your horn, make an epic speech:
Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day... a red day... ere the sun rises! [rides past his men, hitting their spears with his sword as he goes]
Ride now!... Ride now!... Ride! Ride to ruin and the world's ending!

3) The Gandalf-Pippin talk. My only hope is that it is as great as Gandalf makes it out be. Doesn't sound so bad after all.
Pippin: I didn't think it would end this way.
Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it.
Pippin: What? Gandalf?... See what?
Gandalf: White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
Pippin: [smiling] Well, that isn't so bad.
Gandalf: [softly] No... No it isn't.

4) I would say the Aragorn speech to inspire his men, but when I look back. I honestly think the better part is when he looks back, "For Frodo" and charges in. heroic.

5) By far, the best part of the movie. The bow. The very King of Gondor, the leader of the free people's bows to Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. "My friends, you bow to no one". Truly, they are the greatest heroes ever. They gave everything they could, and for Frodo it took everything he had.
We set out to save the Shire, Sam and it has been saved - but not for me.

All you have to do is look at his face, his face says it all. Things will never be the same. the burden of the Ring was far too much and he payed dearly. I many ways I think the Ring is a symbol, more over it is a representation of the burden(s) we all carry with us. The crosses we all must bear.
Unfortunately for some they are just too heavy, the cuts to deep and the scars too painful. Ultimately Frodo 'escapes' the world of Middle Earth, and with it the pain.
If only it was that easy for the rest of us...
Friday, June 4, 2010
The boy who would be King
Get rich or die tryin, am I right or am I right?
So working at night is pretty boss, except for no women. Read: attractive women. But ya, very few clients to deal with, few calls, mostly I just read the news and study calculus.
Which I am learning, read over Integration again, ahh memories, and now doing Polar coordinates and that weirdo circle shit. I have never touched this stuff in my life, so I am going in completely fresh and to be honest, I dont know what the hell this crap is. What are they asking me? The notes are just shape after shape after shape, Is there a question here or what?
Who knows man who knows, gonna try to clean the house a bit tomorrow, cut the grass, do my abs, go for a run, and try to get rich.
Sorry for the lack of posts, have really been zoned out the last week.
I'll make it up to you, if anyone still reads this.
Else, I'll make it up to you King, rather...boy.
So working at night is pretty boss, except for no women. Read: attractive women. But ya, very few clients to deal with, few calls, mostly I just read the news and study calculus.
Which I am learning, read over Integration again, ahh memories, and now doing Polar coordinates and that weirdo circle shit. I have never touched this stuff in my life, so I am going in completely fresh and to be honest, I dont know what the hell this crap is. What are they asking me? The notes are just shape after shape after shape, Is there a question here or what?
Who knows man who knows, gonna try to clean the house a bit tomorrow, cut the grass, do my abs, go for a run, and try to get rich.
Sorry for the lack of posts, have really been zoned out the last week.
I'll make it up to you, if anyone still reads this.
Else, I'll make it up to you King, rather...boy.
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