Uneventful last...6 days, man...why can't I update this thing like I used to? Why does the blog not speak to me like it once did?
All good questions. Getting myself into my new routine now that I work at night. Grinding away the days till school begins again. Generally a day goes something like this:
Get up, eat, gym, (every other day core workout), eat, shower, eat, work, run, bed.
Just have to grind it out. For once in my life I actually enjoy a job I have, so perhaps the word grind which I would usually associate with mundane pointless tasks is ill-suited to describe this situation.
So I waxed my arms today, got rid of my FORESTS that were ever present since I hit puberty. I will not ever miss it, that is, if I keep this up, it is a lot of work and to be honest at times less than desirable.
I promise to try harder to update this. I promise. Until then, a nightly run will get me by.
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