So last Saturday a good friend of mine linked me to a channel on youtube where I could watch all 49 episodes of Gundam Wing. English dubbed, no commercials, uncut.
Mission accepted.
On the first day I plowed through 37 episodes, an slowly but surely made me way through the remaining only to finish yesterday. Exactly one week. Wow nostalgia glasses were fixed to my head. It certainly felt good to re watch a piece of my childhood and have it play out exactly as I remembered it. Adding to the enjoyment was the fact that as I watched my friend did the same and we swapped quotes/discussed plot devices/made fun of the absurd things/just generally had a good time on MSN.
It's weird, we first watched the show together back in our youth many moons ago. Now here in our 20's we resume right where we left off, as the episodes flash before us we are reminded of childhood good times and the same jokes we said then quickly fill the air, followed by laughter. Just like nothing has changed. Unfortunately the reality of the situation sinks in and I remember that the youthful David is long gone and everything has changed. But oh well, for the 24:47 minutes (the length of one episode sans commercials) I am born anew in its glory.
I suppose when I was younger I never really appreciated the ending, but now...now I really do. It really showed the character development that has taken place. At the start Releena invites Heero to her birthday party, he refuses and rips up the invitation card.
"I don't go to birthday parties"
This spawns the series unrequited love between the two, its culmination is the last 5 minutes of the final episode, heero no longer the complete soulless bastard he was at the start gives Releena a card, not exactly in person but leaves it for her and walks away (what exactly the card is for/about is not revealed). Anyways,long story short she rips it up right there and then.
"Next time give it to me in person..."
Ahh the role reversal...the poetic justice (Not that I pretend to know what that means, it just sounds cool).
Anyways, 49/49. Youth reborn in me.
Mission Complete.