Uneventful day...
for the exception of the fact I had work and gym, both of which are far from uneventful, but who is complaining?
To Qian, haven't talked to you in sooo long...man I miss you, how have things been? What are you up to? Gossip? Drama? Update me.
So stayed up late last night to watch the final episode of the Pacific which I missed sunday night. Well worth it...well worth it. Overall the series was pretty drab to me and relatively forgettable. This was pretty much all rectified with the finale...a really heavy episode, emotionally heavy...manly tears were shed.
Snafu didn't even say good bye...spend three years with someone in the closest bond imaginable and not even say bye when you leave. That hit me hard, he didn't even talk to any of his fellow marines for the rest of his life. The next time they saw him, they were the paul bearers at his funeral. Heavy.
and Sledge...if there is one person that was the most fucked up and didn't have a scratch on him, it was Sledge.
"Woman: Did the marine corps teach you anything?"
Sledge: they taught me how to kill Japs. I got pretty damn good at it."
Anyways, short forming people's names in a non funny/cool way...gay thing to do, or gayest thing to do? You decide.
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL yo are u like even on msn at all these days?!?!?!