...there's something ticking in the overhead.
And inside your brains.
So I had my first real day of work on friday...I don't know how I felt about it. I mean on one hand it was exciting on the other hand it sometimes feels like I am taking advantage of people. No to mention I am terribly nervous on any phone call and as a result I talk very fast and throw in alot of um's and hmm's. Expressions which cast a shadow of uncertainty.
So I hadn't listened to the radio since May started, threw it on this morning...first song I heard. Black - Pearl Jam ...Ohh man, I belted the hell out of that song in the shower. I lack the golden baritone voice of his Holiness-Eddie-but nonetheless, I do try.
You know, sometimes I just spend long periods of time just staring at the mirror, I am so unhappy with the way I look. I'm working so hard to change it but it just seems everyday I see another guy and I find some feature of him I just love, and want...ohh why, why can't it be mine?
The only true thing my mother has ever said in my 20 years is: "David you are never happy with what you have". Truth. Never happy.
You dont understand how badly I want this shirt.
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