Jesus, I read in the Metro today, the new revamped Metro I might add (more on that in but a moment) that this heat might stay with us till August. AUGUST, today is July 8th, there are 31 days in July.
31 - 8 = 23;
23 days left of this heat. Note that at the time of calculation it was 12:45 pm, so really its like 23.4x, where x is some number as I am not getting my calculator and it is too hot to think.
I can't do this man, everything is more difficult in the heat, running is the worst. After even 20 minutes I am soaking wet. Spoiler, I didn't run through any water. Typical. If this lasts till August, i might not make it man. The heat man, the heat...unforgiven.
Anyways, the new Metro, I hate it...it is very unorganized, more magazine-esque. There is no real flow, stories and tidbits of news are scattered about in a seemingly random order. Not a fan. Don't get me wrong, I still read it daily on my travels to the gym, but I need something to complain about. Do you expect me to say good things on this?
Anyways, the Hobbit isn't looking to promising, MGM's debt crisis may cost us, the public, an epic epic telling of a great tale. I just hope things work out, I mean come on, Sir Ian McKellen...love that guy...and I couldn't see, nay, couldn't have anyone else play Gandalf.
p.s. I think the x is like 25. Holy shit, I am not even sure, I gotta start prepping for next semester QUICK TIME.
Oh well, run time... game time.
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