Well, if you are reading and born in 1992, and well there is only one of you, here is what I think is the best album of 1992. So i spent my friday afternoon combing the internet for the albums of this year and came to this conclusion, I wanted to select a top but with this list, hell I don;t even know where to begin.
So here it is, the top 5 albums of 1992 in no particular order:
Fully Completely - The Tragically Hip http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_Completely
This album is ACE, look at the tracks, Courage...100th Meridian...FIFTY MISSION CAP, ohh man this is the sound track of those long drives with Steven Cawthorne. I can't count the amount of times I have played courage in my head before doing something bold or stupid. Never fails. The Hip are Canadian Icons, I'm not really a big patriot but I wouldn't trade these guys for the world, track after track of greatness. The next time you are sitting down to that final, or looking for the words to say to that beautiful women, just remember...courage, couldn't come at a worse time.
Incesticide- Nirvanahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incesticide
Not Nirvana's best by far, but nonetheless this is the great of great of Grunge, oh man to have been my age in 1992, all I have now are the stories of others and youtube. I digress. This album has Sliver, what more does one have to say. Other than that, the album isn't terribly memorable but it is tolerable. Oh snap, I completely forgot Aneurysm was on this...anyways, Nirvana isn't really for everyone, but for this nostalgic writer, well...the album
takes me home (see: Sliver)
Dirt - Alice in Chainshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirt_(album)
Oddly enough I heard "Rooster" this morning on the radio as I showered. Old Alice in Chains was ace, just ace...I really miss Staley since his death in...2004? 2002, I just wikied it. Anyways, alot of power and emotion in this album, alot. I could write a whole blog entry on just "Rooster", fuck it...I will, anyways, I recommened this album to say the least. The sound: grunge, Staley's voice: ace.
Kerplunk - Green Dayhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerplunk_(album)
Well it is 1992, so I have to work with what I got. What I have is Kerplunk, old Green Day. Read: Punk Green Day. Not this poppy new crap...hey I did love American Idiot and still listen to it religiously, but there is something about those quick 2-3 minute repetitive powerful jams that emobied everything punk was and still is. I am thankful to say Billie has not lost his voice in the slightest.
Side bar, when I was in highschool people honestly told me I looked like Billy Joe Armstrong from Green Day, legit...and you know what..I see it, minus the hair, we do look very similar facially.
Automatic for the People - R.E.M.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_for_the_people
Oh man, one of R.E.M.'s best without a doubt. If I had to pick a favorite track it would be without a doubt "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite", As with 99% of Michael Stipe's work, I have no idea what it is about, it is beautifully worded and masterfully performed nonetheless, probably my favorite album of 92', but hard to say...ahh I could go on, but ya...
Honourable mention:
The Chronic - Dr. Dre
If you wanna feel black and motherfucking gangsta, throw this on, cruise down the block and just take it in. You will not regret it.