Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Uneventful day...

This monday I had the interesting experience of not having my watch. All in all it was a humbling period where I learned to trust my internal-Swiss and use the sun and other markers in day to day life to tell the time. In many ways I really enjoyed the day. For instance, often I find myself checking my watch like a it's a sick drug or for of reassurance, monday I didn't, I couldn't. The whole bus ride home I was just content to look out the window at the beautiful sunny day before me.

While on the topic of time. I really want to remove the hour hand from my watch and play some sort of mental game of witt and cunning to determine the time throughout the day. Stupid? Yes. Going to make me late/miss important events? Yes. +rep everytime I get the time correct will be awesome? Yes.

Anyways, time...it's relative, I once heard about a watchmaker who stopped making watches after he heard this.

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